General terms & conditions

* Ordering

When you place order, we will assume that you wish to receive . Specified product You will receive a confirmation email from us containing your order number, the total amount ( including shipping ) and payment terms .

* Cancel order

You legally Week 7 days for your order to come back. If you have already paid , but if the product has not yet been sent , you will be refunded the amount transferred to your bank account . When the product has been shipped , you can return shipment at own expense. After you get good reception purchase cost return .

* Payment Terms

Payment in advance by bank or giro transfer or iDEAL . Shall specify the payment your order number . In the confirmation email you received , by this time you will find all the information to make the amount. ( Including shipping ) within 7 weekdays to us If after this period no payment is received , the order will be canceled automatically . If you still wish to receive the products , then place a new order .

* Shipment

Shipping (at own risk ) is provided by DHL . Basically, we ship by default , unless you request otherwise. At the checkout you can choose from several shipping options . We are not liable for the loss of your order with the normal shipping method ! For this you should choose insured or registered ! 

* Responsibility

We assume that you own your ordered product as soon as the payment thereof has been made. Luba Horse blankets will treat your product with care and transfer to the DHL .

Shipment of your order , as described at your own risk . You can choose registered post / to send to mitigate this risk. Ensure your products If you do not indicate , the shipment according to standard procedure . Luba Horse Rugs can not be held responsible for any loss Be it for damage during transportation . Responsible

* Delivery

After receiving your payment , you will receive a confirmation Luba Horse Rugs . It is made clear when your order is handed over to the DHL . This will generally be the case within 5 working days . PAYPAL payment the next working day will be delivered as indicated on the website . Normally ship your order

For products not in stock , we will indicate the expected delivery time . In case of force majeure is viewed separately , of course in consultation with you , the customer.

Should you have any requests Be it questions , you can always contact us via email [email protected] .

* Warranty

All horse blankets, neck pieces, masks are guaranteed against manufacturing and / or material defects . This warranty is valid for a period of six months provided that proof of purchase may be submitted . Also serve the cleaning and maintenance instructions are followed , see also " washing and maintenance " under the heading " Information" . Blankets that too often and too hot washed lose their waterproof and breathable properties , in addition, they shrink and can easily release the seams .
Damage caused by external violence ( such as nails , screws , horse teeth , grind or pull ) is not covered under the warranty .
For any outdoor rug is that you should take into account that water can penetrate along the edges and stitching . In the blanket White spots on the inner lining is a clear signal that the blanket is too hot . Your horse will then sweated under his blanket .

* Return sending / Liability

You have 14 days for your order to arrive , or to change back. , As mentioned,

If despite everything not satisfied with the product you can, within 14 days after receipt of the blanket and return at your own expense . The blanket must be 100% clean, quite , free of hair and in original packaging . Caution ! Returns must be through your account on our website prior notification With good reception, of course, given the cost of returning the product . The costs incurred by you to return to send the shipment will not be reimbursed by us . If the product delivered directly exhibits a defect please return the product to send , so we can exchange . Return within 48 hours The costs that you make this , of course, come at our expense . When returning a product because of the cancellation costs for your own account . Come We will immediately exchange the item or refund depending on the situation . All shipments must be sufficient postage otherwise they can not be processed. In case of refund , we will calculate the shipping costs , unless a result of any shortcoming on our part, these costs should come. Reasonably our expense

Deviations from these conditions of return are permitted only by express agreement between the consumer and Luba horse blankets.

For complaints , tips and ideas and we invite you to contact contact us. Within our means , we will do everything we can to satisfy you.

*Water resistance horse blankets

For any outdoor blanket, you have to take into account that water can penetrate the blanket along the edges and stitching. In heavy rainfall it is also possible that a considerable amount of water enters the blanket along the neck of the horse. The so-called ‘raining in’. Due to the so-called splashing water the bottom/side of a blanket could get wet as well.

On days with very high humidity blankets can get clammy on the inside. It may look like the blanket is not waterproof, but the blanket can’t dissipate the excess heat fast enough, causing condensation on the inside of the blanket.

In certain circumstances, the inner lining of a blanket can become clammy or even wet, after having removed it from the horse. In that case, the blanket has absorbed the excess moisture, which normally evaporates due to the heat of the horse. As the blanket is removed from the horse at that moment, the evaporation process is stopped. The vapour then condenses back to moisture, making the inner lining clammy or wet.

White spots on the inner lining are a clear signal that the blanket is too warm. Your horse has sweated under its blanket.

Blankets that are washed too often and too hot without proper horse blanket detergent lose their water-repellent and breathable properties. In addition, they shrink and the seams can come off more easily.

The waterproofness of a blanket applies to the fabric, not to the entire blanket. However, with every brand, water can enter at the attachments of the webbing, front closures, tail flap, piping around, gussets, rings for fastening the neck etc. No brand can tape these parts during the manufacturing process. These attachments are sewn onto the blanket with a fine needle. In case of heavy rainfall water can enter the holes of the needle, because these holes cannot be taped. Conversely, the seams of the blanket are fully taped. Other brands also refer to the needle holes on their websites.

The waterproofness of our blankets is expressed in ……mm, this is the amount of water the blanket can hold back under pressure. The higher the value, the better (and longer) the blanket can withstand (heavy) rain. Another determining factor is the breathability of the fabric. The breathability is expressed in grams per m2 per 24 hours, with values ranging from 2.000 (good breathability) to 4.500 (extremely good breathability).

  • Water can always penetrate the edges and seams with stitching of an outdoor blanket.. No outdoor blanket is 100% waterproof.
  • After washing the blanket must always be treated with a conditioner.
  • No blanket is fully waterproof a the gussets and tail flap, the seam at the tail flap cannot be taped on the inside.
  • A large amount of water can also penetrate the neck and can then be spread further through the lining under the blanket. This can be partially prevented with a blanket neck.
  • Sometimes, there can be wet spots just behind the edges of the blanket, because the lining dries faster along the edges.
  • In case of a high humidity blanket scan sometimes feel clammy on the inside, because most linings attract moisture
  • In case of heavy rain and wind the rain can go under the blanket
  • Sometimes the blanket can get wet after it has been removed from the horse, because the warm blanket attracts moisture.
  • Water can enter at the seams of the tail flap and at the back of the blanket, because a horse will always stand with its butt against the wind
  • White spots on the inside of the blanket are a clear signal that the blanket is too warm. The horse has sweated under its blanket
  • If the blanked is suddenly completely wet on the inside, the horse has usually been lying, causing ‘raining in’.

How can I test if the blanket is still waterproof?

Put the blanket over a box or container and pour half a glass of water over the part you think is no longer waterproof and wait a couple of minutes. This is an extreme test because a situation like this never occurs in normal use. If the blanket is still dry after a couple of minutes it is waterproof. Don’t do this test on the seams, gussets or tail flap, these parts are never waterproof under the pressure of a considerable amount of water.

If your blanket has a negative result, you can contact [email protected] for a warranty request.

If a claim can be made to the warranty, Fryskware will supply a new, similar blanket. If this is no longer available, a voucher will be handed. A ‘money back’ warranty is never applicable.


* Privacy

Your address and email address are kept only for our own records. Your information will not be disclosed to third parties !

* Reliability

Luba Horse Rugs is part of Luba International bv and with the Chamber of Commerce Limburg registered under number 12,055,398 . Luba Horse Rugs have a lot of respect for its customers and would enter into contact with its customers . She pays attention to your order . You can always ask to contact us !

* Available of Products

Luba Horse Rugs will be the right pieces of display products as well as possible . However, during or immediately after a trade , stocks must be updated manually. This happens as soon as possible after the fair .

Placing an order automatically means that you agree with the above conditions